Sunday, April 13, 2008

Slowly yet steady as the ever resourceful Mayfrad picked his way through the manifold levels of the humongous ladyrinth fraught with unknown elements, constanly on his guard against the dangers that lurk beyond the murky shadows as he awaits for something to pounce at him.

journal entry

Jimmy had been a itinerant begger on the streets ever since he ran away from home. He did so for a few reasons; to avoid the constant naggings, to prevent getting caught by the narotic officers for he was still at large, and of course, to get what he truly craved for.He reached the meeting point just under the wire.Jimmy handed a large wad of notes to receive a few packet of colourful pills. As soon as he began popping them in his mouth, a myraid of colours took over his vision, and the world began floating above him.However,that was the end for him.
After overthrowing the government in a bloodless coup, the coup leader strengthened his shaky position by granting amnesty to all his imprisoned political allies. To prevent civil strife from happening, he explained to the overthrown leader’s legion of supporters that the former leader had, is and will be sufering from megalomania
Often, i feel lugubrious whenever my pesky siblings are in trouble. It's not as if i feel sorry for them, but i feel sorry for myself.I'm not trying to say that they indict me or leave me holding the bag. However, they do all sort of funny actions when they are being punished, which sort of entertains my family. The way my younger sister argues back is irresistably funny. I have vicissitudes trying to control my laughter when they get reviled. So when i burst out laughing, my parents would stare at me and revile me together with my brothers.However,I still love them.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

journal entry 6

Are criticism good or bad?Diatribes are common in the process of achieving something. It is integral for us to accept these criticisms and try to expunge criticsed areas. However, criticisms might be anathema to some people.However,different people have their own different thinking thus opinions are much incoherent.

journal entry 5

Today is a nice and relaxing saturday if it’s not for the fact that I was coerced into doing journal writing. I spent almost the whole afternoon in my domicile and I was pretty poignant about it. I had to obviate all my saturday plans to stay at home and finish up all my school work as time elapsed by.Plus,i still have more journals to complete.
I am a altruistic and frugal person.Before i do anything,i will think about consequences or people around me. I show a complete absence of cupidity. I am gregarious too,making more friends than enemies.That should be the correct way to go! My circle of friends can be use to describe a forest as it has millions of organisms.

journal entry 3

I’m a car buff. I simply love driving through tortuous and winding roads. It’s so much of a fun and I deem it as a challenge to test your driving skills. On the road, I’m something of an itinerant. I’m always wandering, not even knowing where I am going. Also, I will always cover considerable ground in my peregrinations.

journal entry 3

I’m a car buff. I simply love driving through tortuous and winding roads. It’s so much of a fun and I deem it as a challenge to test your driving skills. On the road, I’m something of an itinerant. I’m always wandering, not even knowing where I am going. Also, I will always cover considerable ground in my peregrinations.

journal entry 2

First glance at her,no doubt she was old and her untidy hair made me had reservations about going up to her. However,there was no other choice,she was the only one which was empty. Before i went up to her,someone stopped me and whispered to me."hey you sure bout this? she is famous here,her appellation is "Old Rude Hag".
We did not have much time left,thus did not really bother about his comment but we did not know that was the greatest mistake we made.
"erm..excuse me..can i see the mp3?" we asked politely. "wait!! can you people see that i m busy? ill mannered!" she shouted at us.I controlled myself,saying that i should just wait for a while.However,after a while,a lady behind us came up to enquiry her and she served her! I was getting furious. Her indifference to children is becoming a potential complaint.

We went up to her,tryin to get reason to her. We told her that it should be in apple pie order yet she did not even bother replying us.This escaluates my bitterness,we had no choice but to file a complaint