Monday, June 23, 2008


School's starting in a week,many students are definetely hating this. As a student myself, i am able to understand their feelings. Many students loathe school as they detest homework and so on. However if we are able to look at it on another perpestive,somehow,we are able to enjoy school. Homework,daily test are all preparations for the grand exams which may affect our lives forever.


Its been 2 weeks since holidays,previously i had gone to the school's leadership camp. It was very fun and motivating,grooming many future leaders. I have benefited a lot from this camp,as long as many important aspects that are applied in our daily life. I also learned that teamwork is always essential in everything as teamwork farly surpass an individual's ability


Its been a week since the holidays,many people have started on their holiday homework but that idea somehow do not appeal to me. One of my major weakness is that i have very bad time management. Hence when i tell myself to start revising for the upcoming test or examinations,i would procastinate and keep pushing away,thinking that i still have sufficient time. However that may lead to my failure.


I realise i have not been working hard enough for this mid year examinations. My results are the best proof. Fails after fails had struck me hard,i decided to put back the past and start working hard for the next semester as time waits for no one.My new semester resolution would be,pass all subjects.

Journal entry term 2 week 10

After the considered 'tough' papers were over,i was already ardent for the end of the examinations. Everyone was already setting plans for the holidays. Although i am not really loaded for bear for the coming debriefs, there was an exultation when the examinator went: Pens down. Being berefted of movies for months, a vitriolic temptation led me to the cinema, rewarding myself for the hardwork over the past weeks. However,a nightmare awaits me.

Journal entry term 2 week 9

Different people have different ways in coping with life. A lithe will demostrate bliss and gusto. He will search for his own information for his passion and interest. An apathy one will be indolent, waiting for information to drop from the sky which obviously will not work.

Journal entry term 2 week 8

There are many ways in handling stuff or treating others. I believe that one should never condescend to mortify a person when he is in encumbrance. It is definitely not of decorum and should be wheedled strongly to stop. Hence i strongly believe in doing things the right way.

Journal entry term 2 week 7

Few used to juxtapose both woman and alcohol,however,there are many woman who are alcoholics now. Especially in america,the plight of drunk woman is increasing rapidly. Many drink in order to cope with life or relieve their stress.They drink to forget about any pressure, misery, incompatibility or frustation. In short, they use alcohol in an attempt to palliate their problems. However i believe that using that way will not solve anything thus i think the best way to settle problems is to sort things out.

Journal entry term 2 week 6

There are many students now in Singapore who believe that they are inferior to other students.Hence,many students who have done badly in their examinations are quite introspective. Since they know others have done better than them,thus the more they should stop brooding over such stuff and start catching up,instead of perpetuating. They should never blame the pedagogue as the reason for their lousy results, but at themselves. They themselves are the main factor as it is said that there are only lazy people on earth and i believe that nobody is plain stupid. Everyone’s intelligence level are roughly analogous and the students who do badly in their examinations are just maladjusted.

Journal entry term 2 week 5

I trembled in fear as i passed the report writing to her. She usurp the report writing from my hand, read it and tore it. "This report is paltry! You did a write-up on something so trivial? Redo it, too ambiguous!" she screamed right into my face. I stomped out of the room, rabid. I tried to held back my tears but they resisted. I had no choice but to come out with a better solution.

Journal entry term 2 week 4

"On time is late."

This is the policy cause many of us to be late.Mr Soon once said that and we cannot attend flag raising ceremony on the dot. We have to be discreet with the timing to get to the parade square and line up or else we will be quarry by the teachers for our awaited punishment. If we happen to missed our timing slovenly to leave the class for parade square, we have to rush down quickly.However,many people rush down as they want to avoid a somber afternoon in detention.

Journal entry term 2 week 3

I was in a foul mood that day,nothing was going well for me.Being remiss I accidentally bumped into a stranger. The stranger instantly evinced aversion by rebuking at I. This led to a tussle between us. However,I did not want to create any more trouble for myself,i backed down and apologised.

Journal entry term 2 week 2

I was feeling ardent as I was reaching the pinnacle of Mt Everest. Despite of the obscure view I had, I did not falter. I continue to proceed with exultation. Hoping to catch a glismpe of success,as i continued my journey.

Journal entry term 2 week 1

David was disgruntled and disgusted by what his son had just done. He then found a panacea to eradicate his son's bad deeds, whereas his son remained sedate and equanimty. However he had to make a big sacrifice,but he was willing to do so for the sake of his son.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My fav author

My favourite author is actually the author of harry potter,J.k rowling. Aside from writing the Potter novels, Rowling is equally famous for her "rags to riches" life story, in which she progressed from living on welfare to multi-millionaire status within five years. This made me interested in her life as i wonder how can a book made her millionaire. She has become a notable philantrophist, supporting such charities as Comic Relief, One Parent Families and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain. Hence she has not only become my favourite author but as well as my idol.

Five interesting facts
1) Her real name is Joanne Rowling.
2) She is a single parent.
3) She is the first person to become US dollar millioniare by wrting stories.
4) She almost commited suicide in 1994
5) Her Harry Potter series have gain worldwide fame and have sold nearly 400 million copies.