Saturday, January 19, 2008

english journal

As he walk past his desk in deep thoughts,should he or should he not take up this life endangering mission. He decided to risk his life and follow his passion. After a detailed description of the mission,he finally went down to the abandoned,subterranean laboratory. It is very perilous as many traps have been set there and most people who went in did not came out alive. However his passion for adventures made him determined to go in,as he crept in,he made sure that the surroundings was propitious for him. His instinct guide him throughout the whole place but finally the most crucial arrived,the mission was to get in and get out safely. He haplessly stepped on a trap which triggered the alarm. The ultimate moment came,he dashed out with his life and started escaping,luckily for him,he was familliar with the neighbourhood,he managed to find a haven and covered himself. However his luck did not last long,shortly later,he was found and caught,his career ended and spend rest of his life in the jail.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Hi!! new world!!